Go Vocal for


Broader reach. Data-driven insights. Informed public participation. All in one place.

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Go Vocal for Planners

Harness community input to shape your planning initiatives

Make complex planning topics accessible to your entire community, and engage with residents using tools developed for planning projects specifically - from mapping to participatory budgeting. Our comprehensive tool is designed to facilitate a more structured and data-driven approach to incorporating valuable community perspectives into your planning processes. An innovative solution that encourages residents to engage in city initiatives actively, move beyond traditional lengthy documents, and make it easier for everyone to participate and contribute effectively.

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Shape a vibrant community through inclusive engagement

Create and maintain sustainable, inclusive, and livable communities with increased transparency in your planning processes. All are backed by the power of data you can collect and consolidate on Go Vocal’s online engagement platform.

Maximize input with Go Vocal

Maximize input from residents to ensure your short and long-term projects are in line with community needs

Turn feedback into actionable data on a centralized hub where you can update residents on current projects while simultaneously gathering input for future projects and create a two-way dialogue between you and your residents. From transparent long-range planning to innovative participatory budgeting, empower your residents to participate in the future of their city actively.

Centralize with Go Vocal

Centralize internal communications and information with a collaborative tool

Minimize cumbersome paper trails and encourage cross-team collaboration with an online engagement platform. By assigning people across departments to be administrators on projects, you can ensure cohesive and unified efforts. Additionally, our platform facilitates the sharing of engagement best practices among teams, enhancing overall efficiency and effectiveness in community-driven initiatives.

Reach with Go Vocal

Reach a bigger and more representative audience.

Expand your reach to meet more residents where they are most active: online. Our accessible platform with multi-lingual capabilities provides a singular space for informing and continuously engaging your entire community. Cater to the diverse linguistic and technology needs of your population, ensuring inclusivity and transparency on your planning processes for your entire community.

Our impact in numbers


in resident engagement, including from underheard groups.


in resident engagement, including from underheard groups.


less time spent on analysis and reporting, allowing for more continuous engagement.

Case studies

500+ local governments trust Go Vocal
with their community engagement projects.

Our case studies highlight real-world community engagement initiatives from CitizenLab’s network. Full of good practices and lessons learned from local governments and organizations in our network, learn from your peers to help power your own participation projects.

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Real Customers, Real Results

Here’s what clients say about Go Vocal

See all case studies
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Quotation mark

Arbejdet med platformen gør, at vi får forberedt vores projekter bedre, og at vi bedre kan følge dem undervejs, herunder ikke mindst de input, som borgerne giver på platformen. Det at arbejde med platformen omkring energiparker har virkelig gjort flere borgere aktive – og som bekendt avler succes yderligere succes. En anden ting vi vil fremhæve er, at platformen giver mulighed for, at flere grupper af borgere deltager i debatterne. Blandt andet de grupper der ikke har mulighed for - eller ikke ønsker - at deltage i fysiske borgermøder.

Halsnæs Kommune
Anette Bruhn Pil
Specialkonsulent Halsnæs Kommune
Quotation mark

Vi har oplevet en enestående god support fra Go Vocal og brugerfladen er god og meget intuitiv, så kollegerne har taget godt imod den. Så snart du har oprettet projektet på platformen, bliver arbejdet med borgerinvolvering meget nemmere. Der er mange der taler om ”markante borgere” i øjeblikket, men platformen inviterer til en god tone, så det er en måde at få mere af den gode borgerinddragelse.

Hillerød Kommune
Karin Juhl
Konsulent for kultur, borgerinvolvering og udvikling Hillerød Kommune
Quotation mark

Platformen giver en debat med seriøsitet og en sund tone, der sjældent bliver skinger. Også selvom vi har oplevet ret heftige debatter, hvor folk har været meget engageret og skriver med store bogstaver. Go Vocal har også givet os et godt dialog-netværk med andre kommuner, der også arbejder seriøst med god borgerinddragelse. Og der kommer hele tiden opdateringer, der gør værktøjskassen endnu bedre og mere relevant. "

Roskilde Kommune
Rune Stæhr
Chefkonsulent og teamleder Digitalisering Roskilde Kommune
Quotation mark

“Platformen får os i dialog med en gruppe borgere, vi ellers ikke ville ramme, så vi når ud til flere borgere. Det er hurtigt og let at oprette projekter for os i forvaltningen - og let for borgerne at komme til orde. Og det er en stor fordel, at alt foregår gennemsigtigt, når indlæg er tilgængelige for alle på platformen."

Vejle Kommune
Jette Vindum
Klimakoordinator, Teknik & Miljø

Mixed resources

Informing your Comprehensive Plan with Community Engagement

We'll be taking a live tour of the City of Seattle's Engagement site: "One Seattle Plan," with insights into how they have successfully taken the conversation online. By broadening their reach, they've made the comprehensive plan more accessible and equitable, while being able to report back what they are hearing.

Read more
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¿Listo para saber más?

Chatea con un experto en participación ciudadana para ver cómo nuestra plataforma de participación en línea puede llevar tus proyectos de participación al siguiente nivel.

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